Monday, August 5, 2013

Want to get involved? Speak at City Council Meetings

As you may know, we now have an online petition at that residents of Aurora are urged to sign. I also have a paper/ hard copy version to share with friends and neighbors who are not online here We would like to get signatures completed to present to council by September 16.

Our next meeting will be Monday, September 16 at 6 pm at Crawford Community Center (school), 1600 Florence St, Aurora.Bring your paper petitions.

Meanwhile, consider going to an Aurora City Council Meeting, where you will have three minutes at the beginning of the meeting (after the pledge and such) to speak on anything you want to bring up, such as your wanting the council to change the chicken ordinance and allow us to keep well tended backyard hens. The meeting dates are:

August 12 and 26
September 9 and 30
October 14 and 28

Aurora Municipal Center, Council Chambers, First Floor, 7:30pm.  

You sign up to present, in order of who signed up, at about 7:45. You don't have to be a great speaker, just get your voice heard. 

We will present our petition with final signature count to City Council in September. We aren't sure yet when we will bring the ordinance up for an official vote - we'll know when, depending on how much support we are able to muster. 

Also consider coming to Sally's Ward I meeting on  September 10, 6-8 pm at MLK library, where the At Large members will be featured. I will ask them whether they support legalizing of chickens in Aurora, so we can see where they stand. 

Here is another thing you can do:

Email (or leave a phone message)
Access Aurora - 303.739.7000 or
  • Use this method giving your name and address saying you would like your statement (about why you want chickens) to be emailed to the Mayor and the entire City Council.  Use your own words, be as succinct as you can, and ask for a reply from each council member.

After you have emailed Access Aurora, give the council members 48 hours to respond, and then call them.  Again, do not take up too much of their time, but ask them for their support for allowing hens in Aurora.  They probably will not commit their support until they see the wording of the ordinance, and maybe not even then.  What you can ask them is if they were on council at the last chicken vote and how they voted.  Clea and I need to receive feedback so please email us with your comments.   Thank you very much.

Ward I
Sally Mounier – 303.625.3648 or

Ward II
Renie Peterson – 303.363.6791

Ward III
Marsha Berzins – 720.838.3762

Ward IV
Molly Markert – 303.752.2614 or 303.941.2244

Ward V
Bob Roth – 720.202.2695

Ward VI
Bob Broom – 303.589.5057 or 303.693.2733

Council Members At Large
Bob LeGare – 303.819.8617 or 303.366.0113
Barb Cleland – 303.929.9855
Brad Pierce – 303.241.5559
Debi Hunter-Holen – 720.229.9165


When you contact them, or when you speak at a Council Meeting, could you please let me know? Either post a comment here with your statement, or send me an email, clea danaan at gmail dot com, no spaces etc. 

Here we go!! 

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All comments are moderated. This is about chickens in Aurora, Colorado, which was approved.