Thursday, October 10, 2013

October Update - Chickens in Aurora, CO

The good news first: We have four Yes votes - we need six to pass the change to the ordinance. Renie Peterson, Sally Mounier, Marsha Berzins, and Bob LeGare have pledged to vote yes on chickens. Our next step is to get at least one more yes vote, preferably two (the mayor votes in the case of a tie vote, and if we get one more solid Yes, we can work on him, too, as our sixth).

Debi Hunter Holen, Barb Cleland, Brad Pierce, and Molly Markert are all undecided, and need to be worked on (i.e, called, emailed). Debi responds well to calls and people's requests and communication. She is concerned primarily with attracting predators and what people do with hens when they stop laying. Barb Cleland wants to see what the committee comes up with when the issue is brought to the Quality of Life meeting in November. This committee is currently headed by Molly Markert, who is personally opposed to allowing chickens, but she, too, listens to her constituency. She is beginning to consider the idea because a neighbor of hers wants chickens.

Bob Roth is the same; he is opposed, but this is partly because he thinks everyone in his ward (5) are against chickens. If you are in Ward 5, ORGANIZE your neighbors and get petition signatures to show him that Ward 5 wants chickens, too. He listens to his constituency.

Next steps: keep collecting signatures and call those council members. In November the idea will come up before the Quality of Life Committee, a meeting you can attend but cannot comment. Then it will go to a study session in December (after the election, which may or may not affect our count of Yes votes), and may come up for a vote, if we have six yeses, in January or February.

Please also call or email Renie Peterson to thank her for her support. She gave it publicly on tv!

By the way, hens do not attract anymore predators than cats and small dogs do. They are kept in a secure coop and run, where the wire needs to be buried at least 10 inches deep so predators can't dig under the wire. Another concern people have is smell - if you keep a small coop/run cleaned (it's a weekly job or so), they don't stink. Not like dogs! Another concern is what to do with hens after they stop laying. Some people keep them, as they become attached to them as pets. Most people, however, find a person out in agriculturally zoned land to take their chickens so they can live out their natural life out of the city, where people have room to keep non-laying hens (or eat them; we don't slaughter chickens in urban or suburban settings). Same thing when you accidentally get a rooster; you give it to someone who has a farm. I personally know four people who could take any birds I could not keep. It's all about community.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

We're Winning!

Bit by bit, I think we are swaying City Council. I attended Sally Mounier's Town Hall meeting last Tuesday evening to hear from At Large members. They spoke about the budget surplus, education, business incentives, and - chickens! I was glad to hear that the objections about chickens are the usual - don't bother the neighbors, noise, etc. There were concerns that we need to have a plan for 1) how to include the neighbors in the process to assure that they approve (or don't hate) the idea of someone having chickens, and 2) protecting hens in winter. They wondered how we would get coops approved by zoning people, and wanted information from other municipalities like Denver and Longmont to hear what challenges they have had or not had as far as infrastructure and costs. They also spoke about how the zoning officers are spread thin, so I wonder if we might use existing positions like animal care or the Dumb friends' League, or even just responsible community members to make sure that hens are cared for appropriately.

So our next step is to educate and inform. You can use the Q and A form I created, emailing them and then calling to follow up, or you can speak at a City Council meeting. Use your three minutes (be sure to sign up to speak before the meeting) to express your support of the idea and let them know you understand their concerns, but here are the facts about predators, noise, smell, and hardiness of hens (they are, by the way, okay down to 10 degrees Fahrenheit, at which point you can put a heat lamp, coop heater, or even those breakable pocket hand warmers into the coop to keep them warm). Invite the City Council members to attend Denver's coop tour on September 21st.

We also have an agenda to bring up at the September 16th meeting (Crawford Community Center, 1600 Florence, 6 pm): What do we want to do about enlisting the cooperation of neighbors? How do we want to keep chicken owners accountable? How can we do this without straining city resources? What can we learn from other cities?

Our plan as it stands now is to continue to call, email, and speak to inform and ask for support. We will continue to get petitions signed. After the election in November, we will see where we stand with the new council, and bring it up for vote once we have 6 members willing to vote yes to changing the ordinance. So far, PK Kaiser (running for At Large), Sally Mounier, Renie Peterson, and Bob LeGare are for chickens. Matt Cook, Brad Pierce, and Barb Cleland are for it if we get the details figured out. We need six votes.

By the way, we were complemented on our political action. A long time politically active woman told me she was impressed with how active we are. Keep it up!

Monday, August 5, 2013

Want to get involved? Speak at City Council Meetings

As you may know, we now have an online petition at that residents of Aurora are urged to sign. I also have a paper/ hard copy version to share with friends and neighbors who are not online here We would like to get signatures completed to present to council by September 16.

Our next meeting will be Monday, September 16 at 6 pm at Crawford Community Center (school), 1600 Florence St, Aurora.Bring your paper petitions.

Meanwhile, consider going to an Aurora City Council Meeting, where you will have three minutes at the beginning of the meeting (after the pledge and such) to speak on anything you want to bring up, such as your wanting the council to change the chicken ordinance and allow us to keep well tended backyard hens. The meeting dates are:

August 12 and 26
September 9 and 30
October 14 and 28

Aurora Municipal Center, Council Chambers, First Floor, 7:30pm.  

You sign up to present, in order of who signed up, at about 7:45. You don't have to be a great speaker, just get your voice heard. 

We will present our petition with final signature count to City Council in September. We aren't sure yet when we will bring the ordinance up for an official vote - we'll know when, depending on how much support we are able to muster. 

Also consider coming to Sally's Ward I meeting on  September 10, 6-8 pm at MLK library, where the At Large members will be featured. I will ask them whether they support legalizing of chickens in Aurora, so we can see where they stand. 

Here is another thing you can do:

Email (or leave a phone message)
Access Aurora - 303.739.7000 or
  • Use this method giving your name and address saying you would like your statement (about why you want chickens) to be emailed to the Mayor and the entire City Council.  Use your own words, be as succinct as you can, and ask for a reply from each council member.

After you have emailed Access Aurora, give the council members 48 hours to respond, and then call them.  Again, do not take up too much of their time, but ask them for their support for allowing hens in Aurora.  They probably will not commit their support until they see the wording of the ordinance, and maybe not even then.  What you can ask them is if they were on council at the last chicken vote and how they voted.  Clea and I need to receive feedback so please email us with your comments.   Thank you very much.

Ward I
Sally Mounier – 303.625.3648 or

Ward II
Renie Peterson – 303.363.6791

Ward III
Marsha Berzins – 720.838.3762

Ward IV
Molly Markert – 303.752.2614 or 303.941.2244

Ward V
Bob Roth – 720.202.2695

Ward VI
Bob Broom – 303.589.5057 or 303.693.2733

Council Members At Large
Bob LeGare – 303.819.8617 or 303.366.0113
Barb Cleland – 303.929.9855
Brad Pierce – 303.241.5559
Debi Hunter-Holen – 720.229.9165


When you contact them, or when you speak at a Council Meeting, could you please let me know? Either post a comment here with your statement, or send me an email, clea danaan at gmail dot com, no spaces etc. 

Here we go!! 

Monday, July 22, 2013

Petition to Aurora City Council, Upcoming Meetings

We have a petition! It took a bit because we wanted to make sure we were going about it the right way. We have an online petition and a paper petition. Please sign only one, but send people to sign one of them. They don't have to want chickens themselves, just be supportive of the idea. If someone likes fresh eggs, sustainable living, and the right to choose what reasonable pets a person can keep, they could be willing to sign the petition.

It asks for your address. We will not be tracking or bugging you, we just need to verify that you are an Aurora resident. We need all petitions signed by September 16th, 2013.

The link to the online petition is: 

The paper petition, which you can print out and share with your neighbors, is here:

Sally Mounier has a Town Hall Meeting on Tuesday, Sept 10, to which chicken supporters are invited. These meetings will give us a chance to be heard, but also to determine who on council might be supportive, on the fence, or opposed to the changed chicken ordinance. Please join us at MLK library at 6 pm.

Finally, besides signing the petition, people can still call their city council representative. Most people don't know what ward they are in. To find out go here: Contact your ward representative and the At Large members, who represent the whole city.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Q & A for Concerns about Backyard Chickens

Why Should City Ordinance Allow Hens?
Cities all over America allow and even encourage backyard hens. They are fun, educational, and make good neighbors. Here are answers to the biggest concerns regarding backyard chickens.

Q: Aren’t chickens loud and obnoxious?

A: Hens are quieter than dogs or parrots. They do give out a baak-baak-baak noise when they lay an egg or see a predator, but it’s not early in the morning or at night and is, again, quieter than a barking dog. Roosters will not be allowed in city limits.

Q: Don’t they stink?
A: When well-cared-for as suburban pets (not as farm animals) they don't smell. This is as simple as weekly coop cleanings and daily attending to food and water, just like with any other pet.

Q: I don’t want chickens wandering around my neighbor’s yard, getting into my yard, or getting into the street. How are they contained? Is that cruel?
A: Backyard chickens lead happy, healthy lives. Kept in attractive garden coops they won't roam into neighbors' yards (like some dogs and cats do!) or the street. When we regulate backyard hen-keeping, we can establish rules like not allowing them to free range and making sure pens are secure from predators.

Q: Won’t they attract predators like coyotes and foxes? What about pests like rats?
A: Chickens kept in secure coops and runs do not attract pests or predators any more than do house cats or garden areas. Just like with dog food, their food is kept safely in secure containers and does not attract pests.

Q: I’ve heard that chickens carry avian flu. Is this true?
A: Any bird can get infected with avian influenza, but the strains that affect humans are very rare and have never been found in small, backyard flocks in the US. Most avian influenza found is in very large flocks of birds (and in the US are not the strains that can infect humans). This is true of other diseases as well, which is why store-bought eggs often contain antibiotics. Backyard hens’ eggs do not contain antibiotics, which makes them much safer to eat. Keeping hens in a secure run and coop reduces their risk of being exposed to wild birds (particularly wild waterfowl) which may be infected. The risk of salmonella is also much lower in a well-kept, small flock of suburban hens. As with caring for any pets, simply washing your hands well before and after handling or caring for chickens will vastly reduce risk of contracting any illness from them. The risk with diseases in hens is no higher than with other pets (such as after cleaning out a cat box). It is much lower than with factory farmed birds, because backyard chickens live happy healthy lives in healthy conditions.

Q: Won’t allowing hens cost the city lots of money?
A: In Longmont, CO, and in Missoula, MT, they were concerned about the same thing, and found allowing hens did not make more work or cost for the city and animal care. There are more complaints about dogs than chickens, even in cities where they are allowed.

Q: What are the benefits of chickens?
A: Composted droppings make incredible garden fertilizer: Reduce/Reuse/Recycle!

Fresh organic eggs are healthier for you and the environment: no fuel used trucking them to stores! Since hens eat a combination of weeds/grass, bugs, and grain-based feed, keeping them yourself reduces the cost of free-range, healthful eggs. Gardens and small flocks of hens help keep food secure by reducing food-borne illness and reducing the risk of tampering.
Chickens are funny, entertaining, and educational, and are easy pets to care for, great for people of all abilities.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Concerns about backyard hens? has some fabulous articles about hen-keeping and common concerns about legalizing backyard flocks. Here's a post about avian flu, and how backyard flocks actually help keep us safe.

Here's a great post about the cost of enforcing chicken ordinances.

I'm working on a fact sheet to answer concerns about backyard chickens. I'll have them at our meeting, Thursday, June 13th 6-7pm – Please join me and others who are interested in passing a city ordinance allowing chickens in Aurora.  At Crawford Elementary, on Florence between 16th and 17th Streets. 

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Meeting for Chicks for Aurora!

Everyone interested in supporting legal backyard chickens in Aurora is invited to attend our next meeting, Thursday, June 13th, 2013, at 6pm at Crawford Community Center (school), 1600 Florence Aurora. Hope you can join us! Spread the word!

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Update on the Movement to Legalize Chickens in Aurora, CO

A group of concerned citizens have flocked together to encourage folks to contact their Aurora, CO, city council representatives and request that backyard hen ownership be made legal in our lovely little town. In 2011 the issue was brought up before the council and soundly defeated. Our approach this time is different than last time, since apparently logic, research, and a solid presentation fell on deaf (or stubborn) ears. We are organizing from the ground up, sitting around the kitchen table to discuss gardening, chickens, bees, and community. We need to convince six representatives that such a movement is of value to our community. And we will do so!

Here in an eggshell is why we want chickens approved:
  • Backyard eggs means food security, money savings, and better health.
  • Hens make good pets, are quieter than dogs, and when cared for are not smelly or dangerous.
  • When you make something legal you can educate and regulate, so people who keep hens will do so in a way that keeps the hens safe and healthy, and protects the neighborhood.
  • Hens are great for kids, people with special needs, the house-bound, and just about everyone else.
  • Chickens create community. When we had hens, it became a conversation piece with our neighbors, even those who speak different languages than we or who otherwise wouldn't say hello. 
  • Hens are a perfect extension of organic gardening, providing manure and eating pests. Did you know chickens eat mice and mosquitoes?
  • Hen keeping is not a throw-back to old farm days or dusty rural ways (although there isn't anything wrong with that, it seems not in keeping with the image Aurora seeks for itself), but a progressive and trendy movement embraced by many cities across the United States.
  • Chickens need feed, shavings, hay, and chicken treats. I can think of several local businesses that would benefit from expanding to fill this need.
We are proposing the legalization of keeping 8 hens, no roosters, in safe and contained coops and runs. An affordable one-time fee paid to the city when applying for a permit is standard in most cities.

If you would like to get involved by spreading the word or contacting your representative, please post a comment here or email me at clea dot danaan at gmail dot com.

Friday, April 5, 2013

Resources for Keeping Chickens

Please share your own as well!

Hen Keeping is Patriotic!

Letter to Aurora City Council: Let's Have Chicks in Aurora!

To City Council and Aurora Sentinel:
Aurora has long stood for American freedom and strong community. Both of these are supported – surprisingly enough – by the keeping of backyard chickens. During World War II, the keeping of hens was declared an act of patriotism. Today it’s celebrated as trendy and sustainable by the likes of Martha Stewart, Susan Orlean of the New York Times, and Food Network’s Alton Brown. People who keep chickens in small urban gardens, who follow local ordinances of keeping coops and runs clean and protecting hens from predators, tend to be people who care for animals, the earth, and their communities. 

Arguments against hen keeping usually include noise, odor, and pest attraction. These concerns can easily be avoided by not permitting roosters, keeping coops clean, and well-designed coops. Hens only vocalize for approximately 5 minutes after laying an egg and make less noise than dogs or even human conversations. Well designed and maintained coops and runs (i.e. with hardware cloth buried all the way around to keep out foxes, etc.) reduce or eliminate pest and predator problems. Proper sanitation – washing your hands after collecting eggs or dealing with chickens, eliminates any health concerns. 

Another common concern with allowing small flocks of urban hens (a maximum of six to eight hens works for most families) is that there will be a greater cost to the city and animal control. When Longmont recently legalized chickens, they found these concerns to be unfounded. People who want to raise chickens in their backyards for eggs are doing so (mostly) out of a sense responsibility for taking control of their food sourcing and reducing their carbon footprint. These are not the kinds of folks who'll be requiring animal control to come out and bust chicken owners for too many animals making too much noise.

There is one last concern that is rarely addressed directly. Aurora fears being seen as a backwoods town. They fear that allowing hens will turn the city into Farmville or possibly Little Mexico. I’ve heard several racist comments about Mexicans and hen keeping. Not only are these comments racist and inappropriate, the fact is that regulating hen ownership – no roosters, small flocks, carefully constructed coops – would eliminate most of the predicted problems and give structure to remediation of unacceptable situations when necessary. For instance, if there is a rooster wandering around the neighborhood, the people responsible can be fined, the rooster removed, and others who are keeping only hens in a sanitary and well-constructed situation can continue to care for their animals in a non-disruptive manner. When Councilmen Bob Broom said chickens weren’t compatible with Aurora (quoted in the Denver Post), I suspect he was referring to these images of hen keeping. Tell that to Martha Stewart, Barbara Streisand and Julia Roberts, all of whom keep hens.

Commerce City, Denver, Longmont, Boulder, Highlands Ranch, Centennial, Englewood, and Parker, to name a few cities in the area, allow hens. It’s time we did too. It’s time we stood up for being a free country, one that carefully and respectfully regulates backyard hen keeping in support of sustainable communities.

Clea Danaan Edelblute
and Aurora resident

Addendum: Why Chickens?
Chickens that are hand-raised from chicks can be wonderful pets. They come when they are called, enjoy being held and are beautiful and even affectionate pets.
Hens provide great-tasting, fresh, nutritious eggs for your family
In fact studies show that compared to ordinary eggs, eggs from hens with access to plants and bugs have less cholesterol and saturated fat, but several times more beta carotene, Vitamin E, and omega-3 fatty acids. They also have much more vitamin A, vitamin B-12, and folic acid.
Hens require little space to be happy and healthy; 3 hens can live a happy and healthy life in just 12 square feet.
Hen manure is a wonderful fertilizer which can provide you a healthy lawn without all of the chemicals
Hens love to eat the nasty bugs in your yard, including mosquitoes, slugs, ticks, and beetles just to name a few.
Chickens eat kitchen scraps and lawn clippings
Chickens help to keep these items out of landfills and turning them into healthy eggs.
Chicken keeping is educational. Backyard chickens provide lessons for children about responsibility and where food comes from.
Backyard chickens allow us to reduce our carbon footprint by producing some of our own food.  Every food item we can produce organically and on our own property is one less item that must be shipped to us and shopped for. Every item of food we raise ourselves represents a step in living a greener, more sustainable, lifestyle.

Urban Chickens Make Healthy Kids and Strong Communities

Helping the Hungry

One in eight people struggle with hunger, including many children. One way municipalities can help their hungry citizens for very little cost is to promote backyard gardens, including keeping small flocks of chickens. Eggs from hens allowed to forage and move freely (even within appropriately sized enclosed areas) are much higher in nutrients than those available at grocery stores.  From Mother Earth News:
"In 1988, Artemis Simopoulos, co-author of The Omega Diet, found that eggs from pastured hens in Greece contained 13 times more omega-3s than eggs from U.S. supermarkets. In 1974, a British study found that eggs from pastured hens had 50 percent more folic acid and 70 percent more vitamin B12 than eggs from factory-farmed hens. In 1997, a study in Animal Feed Science and Technology found eggs from free-range chickens had higher levels of both omega-3s and vitamin E than those from hens maintained in cages and fed commercial diets. Most recently, in 2003, Pennsylvania State University researchers reported that birds kept on pasture produced three times more omega-3s in their eggs than birds raised in cages on a commercial diet. They also found twice as much vitamin E and 40 percent more vitamin A in the yolks of the pastured birds."

Backyard hens' eggs cost about $2 a dozen (for feed and wood shavings; less if they are given more kitchen scraps, weeds and grass), which cost more than $4 a dozen for (almost) comparably nutritious eggs at the grocery store. They are a great source of affordable protein.

Backyard urban hen keeping saves a family money and saves the city money on feeding the hungry.  It also saves a municipality money by reducing the food scraps that go into the waste stream (to see what you can feed hens from the kitchen, click here).

Food Security

If someone wanted to cripple a whole lot of people, that someone could attack large sources of food, such as the drought has attacked the nation's corn crop this year. Or when 228 million eggs were recalled in August 2010 because of a huge salmonella outbreak. When you grow corn in your backyard and raise a small flock of hens for eggs, you are at a much smaller risk of food losses. Taxpayers and insurance companies and families save money on health care costs from such outbreaks.

In his life-changing book Eaarth: Making a Life on a Tough New Planet, Bill McKibben discusses at length the importance of focusing on small and local. Food, energy, and governance needs to be focused on local, manageable projects. Keeping a backyard flock is part of that movement.

Vitamin N

Contact with nature including gardens and pets (backyard chickens are a hybrid of pets and food source), has shown to reduce mental illness - including depression and anxiety - obesity and even violence.  It improves mood and the ability to concentrate (hello test scores), and speeds up physical healing. Backyard gardens, parks, household pets, neighborhood trees, and yes, chickens, help create healthier people and healthier communities. Richard Louv calls contact with nature Vitamin N. In his book The Nature Principle, he writes, "an emerging high-tech/high-nature housing design philosophy includes conserving energy, using nature-friendly materials, and also applying biophilic design principles to promote health, human energy, and beauty." (p. 161) Backyard chickens are not a fallback to dirt yards in podunkville, they are a part of a diverse and progressive redesign of urban living that includes wilderness, gardens, and high-tech living.

Healthy Children and Communities

What happens when you give kids nutritious food, a sense of security, and a connection with nature? They do better in school and are less likely to follow a violent lifestyle.

And what about adults? Well, the same thing happens. Healthy, safe, engaged adults care for themselves and their neighbors.

Now who wouldn't want to create these conditions for their cities? Well cared for urban chickens need to be legalized in Aurora, Colorado.