Monday, February 24, 2014

So Impressed!! Ordinance Approved!

Thank you to the seventy or so folks who came to the City Council Meeting Monday night! Your speeches and our showing made a huge difference, and the three nays had to more or less apologize. The heartfelt speeches - including some awesome youth, a marine, and citizens from all over the city - were powerful! The ordinance was voted in - chickens will be approved in Aurora. We still have two more steps to take, but these should go through without problem. There is one more vote that has to happen but votes rarely change at this stage. When I get details from Sally Mounier I will post them. Then it has to be put into the code. Sally suggested that once it is approved, we can be fairly sure that it will become an official ordinance legalizing chickens this summer.

You did what???!!!
Nice work y'all!!

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Please Call City Council Before Monday's Meeting

For our last, important push before Monday's vote (so today or tomorrow), please do the following, per Sally's urging: 

Here follows what I believe will work to impress Councilman Bob Roth.
This is a two step process:
  1. Call the Aurora City Council Office at 303.739.7015 M-F between 8am – 5pm.  You will reach a live person.  Say “I am an Aurora citizen, and I am supporting the chicken ordinance.  Please count me in as in favor of allowing chickens."
  2. Then ask to be connected to Bob Roth’s office.  You will leave a message saying, "My name is XXXX and I am a citizen of Aurora.  I hope you will change your mind and support letting us have a few hens.  Thank you."
This will do two things…let the council staff keep accurate, by the numbers, track of the support for or against chickens.  And two, will give Roth brief, concise messages that there is a great deal of support for chickens.

3. Lastly, I would ask the group to email Bob Roth the reason for their support for chickens.  His email address is  

That should have a positive affect on our efforts. 

Thanks, Sally

Arapahoe County Chicken Friends

There is another dedicated group of gallusfiles who are working to get backyard chickens approved in Arapahoe County. Their Facebook page is and their petition is If you are in Arapahoe county, please sign the petition and "like" the page. What Arapahoe County does will not affect those of us in the city of Aurora, even if you are in Arapahoe county, but all areas that allow chickens support each other.

We in the city of Aurora are down to the wire as far as getting the ordinance passed in the city. Please come to the City Council Meeting if you can to represent our group. You are encouraged to speak but do not have to - just your presence will speak your support. If you want to speak, you need to sign up just before the meeting.

City Council meeting
Date/Time: Mon, Feb 24, 2014
7:30 p.m.
Location: Council Chambers   Map
15151 E. Alameda Parkway Aurora, Colorado 80012
Event resides in Aurora.
Contact: Janice Napper, 303-739-7094

A Study Session will be held prior to the City Council meeting. Information regarding the time and location will be posted as it becomes available.

Sunday, February 16, 2014



There is an Aurora City Council meeting on February 24th at 7:30 pm, where the ordinance to approve chickens will be voted on by council. It was approved in Study Session but can be voted down here - especially since there are members on council who are adamantly opposed and fighting dirty (twisting the truth and being really rude).

We really really really need you to show up for this council meeting. You do NOT have to speak, but are encouraged to do so. Sally Mounier is going to try and ask the supporters to stand. Bob Roth is also likely to rally people who are against this to be there (he is opposed and is organizing folks to fight it, despite the fact - and because of the fact - that we got our six yes votes we needed).

I know we are all busy and have our day to day lives, but this could really make or break us moving forward. PLEASE SHOW UP! Please consider speaking.

Sally Mounier has been working really hard to get things to this point, and is not planning on letting the ordinance stay where it is at (there are a few parts we don't really like that we have compromised on in order to get it passed.) There have to be compromises *at this point*. If this vote FAILS we will need to raise around $75,000 to *try* and get it on the ballot, during which time chickens will still be illegal. The ordinance as it stands gets our foot in the door.

Again, PLEASE COME TO THE COUNCIL MEETING ON FEB. 24th at 7:30 pm. If you want to speak in support of chickens in Aurora, you have to sign up before the meeting. Rally your neighbors, your friends and anyone you know that is able to show up.

If you're on Facebook you can let us know you will be coming if you like,

If it gets approved at this meeting - which it should, but again, feelings are high about the issue - then the ordinance will go through one more vote and be approved.


City Council meeting
Date/Time: Mon, Feb 24, 2014
7:30 p.m.
Location: Council Chambers   Map
15151 E. Alameda Parkway Aurora, Colorado 80012
Event resides in Aurora.
Contact: Janice Napper, 303-739-7094

A Study Session will be held prior to the City Council meeting. Information regarding the time and location will be posted as it becomes available.