Monday, February 24, 2014

So Impressed!! Ordinance Approved!

Thank you to the seventy or so folks who came to the City Council Meeting Monday night! Your speeches and our showing made a huge difference, and the three nays had to more or less apologize. The heartfelt speeches - including some awesome youth, a marine, and citizens from all over the city - were powerful! The ordinance was voted in - chickens will be approved in Aurora. We still have two more steps to take, but these should go through without problem. There is one more vote that has to happen but votes rarely change at this stage. When I get details from Sally Mounier I will post them. Then it has to be put into the code. Sally suggested that once it is approved, we can be fairly sure that it will become an official ordinance legalizing chickens this summer.

You did what???!!!
Nice work y'all!!

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All comments are moderated. This is about chickens in Aurora, Colorado, which was approved.